Mercurial Musings ~ 6 Feb 2020

Mercury now travels Pisces - a perfect time for waxing poetic or musing - despite standing on the precipice of one of those dreaded retrogrades. Mercury retrogrades on 17 February. On 4 March, the winged messenger slips back into Aquarius, the sign in which the planet transits when resuming prograde (direct) motion on 10 March.

Given that Mercury retrograde era bear the trepidation they do, perhaps a few blip thoughts that can be applied during the upcoming retrograde to whatever waxing, musing, conjuring or plotting one might be inclined to engage would grease the gears of mental processes.

Per classic mythology Mercury is the “god of shopkeepers and merchants, travelers and transporters of goods, and thieves and tricksters.” During Mercury retrograde all related Mercurial assignments hold extra charge. Naturally, given the retrograde commences in Pisces, check travel plans twice, ensure scheduled events get logged on the proper date, confirm all online purchases, keep tabs on your credit score and be on the look out for credit card hacks. All that sounds a bit grim, and perhaps it is understandable why Mercury retrograde received the “pull the covers over ones head” remedy. Of course, even with the head covered by a cozy, organic quilt, or stuck in the sand, life continues to go on and the details of life require clear and conscious attention.

Mercury, whether direct or indirect, refers to the declaration of predictions. Perhaps the administrators of the botched Iowa Caucus feel Piscean guilt as to their inability to announce a winner in their high-visibility political event. Those who attempted to predict the winner of the Democratic caucus, now several days hence, still wait confirmation of their accuracy/inaccuracy. Recently we had Super Bowl predictions. Though I nailed it, I did not announce my prediction to the public. My cat can verify my astrological conclusion; she was one of the few privy to my astrological assessment. The Trump Impeachment Trial required no prediction. And now we can look forward to forecasts of Oscar winners.

So whom do you feel will win what?

This interrogative actually brings us back to the core nature of Mercury in Pisces, retrograde or otherwise.

What do you feel? What emotion, reaction, speculation, aspect of life attract your attention?

How about giving what summons your perceptions proper time and due contemplation?

Creative masters contend that when attention is rendered to what demands full presence in your psyche, that the very hanging in those vibes likely yields fruitful results.

Where are those random notes and blips of insight that you wrote down somewhere? It doesn’t matter if it was during the recent hour, last week, two months ago or a number of years past. If your impulse is to consciously apply attention to a mental blast that happened whenever it did, and if you find it, and if you hang out with through the entirety of the next Mercury retrograde regardless of the demands of the real world, your job, your family, your relationship or whatever, you’ll be smack dab in the surge of a creative wave.

Within this next retrograde given the signs involved, heaps of inspiration can be stirred. Products can be imagined, designed and nudged toward prototyping. That creative venture that nags at you, if pursued, stands to provide all sorts of good within the psyche. Creative accomplishment, even if intangible, soothes the soul in the most superb manner.

Sure Mercury starts out in the sign of Pisces for the retrograde. So, let chaos define the flow. Let’s say you’ve got five tasks each with roughly the same of real world priority jamming up your workspace. When you take your stand at your work station, start with the tasks that seems the brightest or loudest. That’s where the energy organically flows. Work it until the energy for that task wanes. Creative forces stirred, next turn your attention to the most demanding task by deadline. Given you’re in the flow, the effort required to resolve intricacies of that task more fluidly unfold. How cool is that?

Remember this next Mercury retrograde is one in which attention on remembering is required. Here’s another handy tip, when declaring a creative vision, offering a solution, even being so bold as to render a prediction, do so without apology. Offer no conciliatory tone when presenting an odd idea that offers real world applicability. Work to ensure that words used do not precondition those to whom you speak to fall into a predisposed reaction.

Here’s another thing that I’ve been pondering astrologically: the Corona Virus and the global outbreak. With Mercury in Pisces, are fears stirred unnecessarily or are all cautions good cautions? What will be the end result? How did it start? Was it really from snakes sold in the Wuhan open market?

A recent newcomer to named astrological objects is Zhulong. He is the Torch Dragon, a massive red solar dragon and revered deity in Chinese mythology. He consists of a human face upon a snake's body. Zhulong established day and night by opening and closing its eyes and created seasonal winds through his breathing.

Regardless, here’s a snake whose breath is a big deal. Could this define the origin of Corona Virus and its means of transmission (assumed to be airborne)? Perhaps. Maybe if the body’s physical placement aligned in some astrologically noteworthy manner. The Corona Virus was acknowledged in China on 31 December and broadly revealed to the world on 1 January 2020. At that time Zhulong stood at 2 Scorpio 39 directly in opposition to Uranus at 2 Taurus 41 retrograde. Uranus stationed, to return direct on 11 January at 2 Taurus 39. This aspect pattern is now concluded.

As Ceres in Aquarius squared these degrees recently, quarantines held citizens in China, those returning to their homeland, and those embarked upon Asian cruises of a lifetime somewhat against their will, but agreed to in the interest to the collective population of Earth. Given the Mercury in Pisces, China decided to shutter all 70,000 of its movie theaters to reduce potential spread of the virus.

How long will the virus be a thing? Good question. It is worth noting that as April begins, Mars in Aquarius squares the virus declaration degree. A bit later in April when the Sun enters Taurus, he squares that degree marker. In the last days of April, Mercury squares those degrees. Might we muse that a commercially viable antidote hits the market in that the latter part of April? That would be a valid assumption.

Meanwhile, here’s to savoring Mercury in Pisces. It’s always good to remain grounded while scouring the Cosmos for inspiration. It’s responsible to remain attentive, even mildly obsessive, about details that demand focus. Most important, it stands as paramount to assign yourself the unlimited right to manifest the ultimate in creativity in every thought mused or action taken.

Here’s to fabulous Mercurial musings.